
Showing posts with the label used laptop

E waste is taking over the world: What Can We Do to minimize it?

  Technology has advanced so rapidly in the last few decades that it's difficult to imagine life without smartphones, GPS maps, laptop computers, electronic devices, and many more. Discarded electrical or electronic devices are referred to as electronic waste (also known as e-waste). Improper disposal and processing of this waste can result in negative human and environmental consequences. Device life cycles are shortening—many products will be discarded once their batteries die, to be replaced with new ones. Companies purposefully plan their products' obsolescence by updating the design or software and discontinuing support for older models, so that it is now usually cheaper and easier to buy a new product than to repair an old one. Meanwhile, the businesses continue to profit from consistent sales. Here are some ways how we can minimize E-waste : Sell your old electronics: Selling or donating your electronic devices to those in need is one of the simplest and most effective w...

Computer Recycling: How Does it Work?

  Technology advancement makes you keep up with the latest technology and you probably have old computers lying around that you have no idea what to do with. These electronic devices contain toxic and hazardous chemicals that are released into the environment.  The process of recovering material from old devices for use in new products is known as e-waste or electronics recycling. Electronic waste is also known as e-scrap or e-waste which is produced by broken electronic devices. When we reuse or reprocess discarded desktop computers and laptops is referred to as computer recycling. Computer components such as monitors, screens, keyboards, motherboards, and central processors are also included. It helps to promote human and environmental health by disposing of computers and their parts in an environmentally friendly manner. Computers are typically constructed from cadmium, silicon, lead, mercury, and a variety of other materials. Here is a step-by-step procedure how are comput...

5 Office Electronics You Can Recycle

  Today, the majority of businesses rely on electronics to remain operational and relevant in their respective markets. As the demands of business growth, so do our electronic requirements. Companies are constantly on the lookout for the newest, fastest, and smartest technologies to help them manage their hectic day-to-day workload. When new gadgets hit the market, we buy them and replace them with new ones. Electronic devices are intended to make our lives easier but because they contain toxic substances and if not disposed of and recycled properly it becomes a health hazard. Most of us do not think about what happens to these devices when we do not discard or upgrade them. Electronic device use has increased rapidly around the world. Given the volume of e-waste generated and the presence of both toxic and valuable materials in it, e-waste is a growing problem. If not handled properly and exposure occurs, all of these elements can have a severe human impact.  The hazardous ma...