Proper E-waste Disposal: Why is it so important?
E-waste, or electronic waste, are electronic products or products containing components that have neared the end of their shelf life. These devices contain toxic substances and must thus be handled when care is no longer required. If the product is not required, or is outdated, it can be donated to someone who needs it. If the product is broken and not reusable, it is advisable to provide the product to a certified e-waste recycler as opposed to garbage disposal.
In recent times, e-waste has affected the health of humans while also having a negative impact on the environment. E-waste includes electronic scrap such as televisions, computers, printers, mobile phones, used batteries and so on. Anything that operates on electricity that needs to be disposed of comes under this category. These devices contain harmful chemicals such as mercury, beryllium, lead etc. When these chemicals end up in the air, soil or water, it has adverse effects on the environment.
Negative effects on air: Metals such as aluminum, steel and copper are burnt in open air under very low temperatures, releasing hazardous gasses into the atmosphere, blown away by wind over long distances. When e-waste disposed of at the landfill is burned, hydrocarbons are released into the atmosphere, also a major factor that contributes to global warming.
Negative effects on water: E-waste, such as batteries and phones, can result in toxins entering groundwater when disposed of improperly. Heavy metals such as mercury, lead and lithium are found in phones. When disposed of in a landfill, it can leak into the soil that ultimately reaches groundwater. After reaching groundwater, it makes its way into ponds, streams and lakes. Several animals rely on these water bodies for nourishment and can therefore be affected by this issue.
Negative effects on soil: Heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic and lead can pollute soil, whether in direct or indirect contact. Pollutants can remain in soil for extended periods of time, harmful for microorganisms in the soil as well as plants. Animals and wildlife that rely extensively on nature as their habitat can end up consuming plants grown on affected soil, which could be detrimental to animal populations in the wild.
Al Sifah Metal scrap dealers is an established business for scrap recycling in Dubai. We deal in all types of ferrous and nonferrous metals. We are a reliable company for electronic scrap and e waste management in UAE. One of the prominent recycling companies in Dubai accepting all types of surplus materials and scrap metals.
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